Not Even Jeff Bezos Can Afford This

Alex Koyfman

Posted November 15, 2018

Dear Reader,

Death… It’s the ultimate equalizer. 

It takes you regardless of your race, your gender, or your nationality. 

It takes you whether you’re young or old, whether you’re devout or atheist, whether you’ve spent your life working out every day and watching what you eat or indulged in every bad habit known to man. 

And most astonishingly, even with all of today’s technology, it takes you whether you’re rich or poor. 

Billionaire Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen died at 65. Steve Jobs, who founded Apple and was fabulously wealthy his entire adult life, never made it past 56. 

It’s the universal wealth-gap closer and the universal unifier when it comes to our personal fears and our personal dreams. 

Because almost every human to have ever walked the earth has, at one point or another, dreamed of capturing one elusive privilege: eternal youth. 

Throughout history, there have been plenty of mythological solutions to this problem, the most famous and most often cited being the Fountain of Youth, which was first mentioned back in the 5th century BC in the writings of Greek historian Herodotus. 

Over the centuries, the idea of everlasting youth and vitality has been reused as a fictional theme and true-life goal over and over again.

From Ancient Myth to Modern Marketing

The quest has spawned entire industries and even has modern equivalents in the form of organic diets, superfoods, super-vitamins, and lifestyle books peddled by enthusiastic but nonetheless not particularly scientific health gurus, all claiming to have found the secret to life extension. 

Despite all of the efforts, the hopes, the dreams, the potions, elixirs, myths, and fables, up until now, there has never been a realistic solution to a problem that is as old as the human species itself. 

From the look of things, however, this just might change within our lifetimes… perhaps even within the span of a single generation. 

The billionaire class, which has the financial muscle and technological backing to actually make a difference when it comes to profound life extension, is on an unprecedented campaign to achieve the unachievable. 

Some of the biggest names in tech have already committed major chunks of their net worth to the elusive goal of engineering a solution to the universal equalizer.

  • Google cofounder Larry Page has already invested $750 million.
  • Oracle cofounder Larry Ellison has spent $430 million.
  • Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is pledging $3 billion to the study of life extension.

And their efforts, powered by modern supercomputers and the most advanced nanotechnology known to man, are, for the first time ever, starting to yield results. 

Will Your Children Live Past 1,000? Will You?

Dr. Aubrey de Grey, cofounder of the SENS Research Foundation, a nonprofit medical research organization dedicated to the study of longevity and life extension, has publicly stated that he believes the first person to live to the age of 1,000 has already been born and that the anti-aging industry will enter a golden age within the next 20 years. 

How is it going to be done? 

Well, as you might have guessed, there is no magic-bullet solution to the problem of aging. 

The only viable approach starts by systematically defeating age-related diseases, the most notable being neurodegenerative sicknesses like dementia, a host of cancers that crop up as the years pile one, and genetic degeneration. 

Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon and the richest man alive today, and superstar financier Peter Thiel have personally backed a Nasdaq-listed technology company whose research targets senescent cells — older cells that have stopped dividing and are known to be one of the culprits in heralding age-related sicknesses, particularly osteoarthritis. 

This common form of arthritis, which affects soft tissues in joints, is only the tip of the iceberg.

The process of senescence is the mechanism that drives degeneration across all the major systems, from skin to vascular. 

Slowing, or halting the process altogether, could potentially increase human life expectancy by decades or more. 

A Quiet National Crisis

In a country where the 65+ population will outnumber the under-18 population in the next 20 years, this research is more than a billionaire’s flight of fancy. It’s become a race against time to prevent a demographic catastrophe. 

Heading up this company is a (thankfully) youthful genius who still has decades of natural ability in front of him to do some of the most important work being done today in the field of medical science. 

It’s not a big company by any means (just around $500 million market capitalization), but with close to a quarter of that in cash reserves to fuel the research, it will not be long before marketable patents begin to emerge to make some truly lasting changes to the aging paradigm. 

In a world obsessed with faster internet connections, faster processors, faster modes of transport, and shorter wait times for the delivery of goods, the idea of putting the brakes on a destructive process is more than refreshing. 

I’ve recently completed an in-depth research report on this company and the technology it’s pioneering. 

The report details the problem, the solutions being examined, and the brains behind it all. 

I urge you to get your free copy here today.

Click here for instant access.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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